Wilder Pereira Apps

Lmgtfy Generator 1.6
Wilder Pereira
Create lmgtfy urls from the app and share with your friends. LMGTFYurls generator with a embedded url shortener to hide the LMGTFYurl. For the people that always ask obvious or complex questionsthat a simple Google search would answer, create a "How to google"tutorial and send to them. LMGTFY (Let Me Google That For You) is awebsite that creates a demonstration of how to conduct auser-specified Google search.
FTWFT - Find the word for you 1.3
Wilder Pereira
The real life Ctrl + F Find words in a text using yourdevicecamera. Ftwfy is open source and waiting for newcontributors!https://github.com/WilderPereira/ftwfy
Game of S.K.A.T.E 1.8.2
Wilder Pereira
The best way to play a Game of S.K.A.T.E